Equality ,Diversity & Inclusion

Date & Time:

Thursday 3 July 2025 (9:30am - 12:30pm)


TMR Havering Town Hall CR3A (30), Havering Town Hall, Havering Town Hall, Main Road, Romford,


The learning objectives for this course are:

  1. Define the key terminology relating to equality, diversity and inclusion.
  2. Describe the types of discrimination and the protected characteristics within the Equality Act 2010.
  3. Consider the reasons why discrimination occurs.
  4. List the forms of discrimination that can occur.
  5. Outline what we can do to make a positive difference.
  6. Understand more about cultural competency & cultural humility.
  7. Understand the local picture in Havering.
  8. Inclusion in the community.

Places Available:


Further Information:




Atanas Ivanov

Venue Details:

TMR Havering Town Hall CR3A (30), Havering Town Hall, Havering Town Hall, Main Road, Romford,